Friday, November 1, 2019

Custom Vintage Extract Bottle Labels for vanilla, almond, mint, maple, & more!

Amber bottles look stunning with these Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract Rectangle Bottle Labels. Look like you just got back from 1892 with these chic "ye olde apothecary" vintage style jar labels. These horizontal extract bottle labels print with your variety, bottling date, name, location, & optional saying or ingredients.

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

More and more folks are making their own extracts to save money and guarantee purity. Add Custom Vintage Extract Rectangle Bottle Labels to homemade almond, cinnamon, mint, orange, maple or countless other handcrafted extracts! See size chart photo below for how these labels will appear on common amber bottle sizes. 

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

You can leave parts of the Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract Rectangle Bottle Labels BLANK if you would prefer to handwrite your own text. Perfect if you will be bottling at different times or with different varieties of alcohol.

Red Postmark: Postmark prints with "Made with Love" on the top & "100% Pure" in center. The bottom is customized with your location or kitchen name. 

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

These Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract Rectangle Bottle Labels are perfect for DIY holiday gifts. Believe you me, once you start making your own extracts, you'll never switch back to store bought. And once you start giving certain extracts as Christmas gifts (I'm looking at you, Vanilla), your friends & family will be indignant if it isn't in their stocking. So you have that to look forward to.

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

Custom Vintage Vanilla Extract rectangle amber bottle labels

Shop our other round vanilla extract labels too! These extract labels come in both vintage and kraft labels.

Kraft Vanilla Extract round labels

Our Kraft Vanilla Extract round labels add a beautiful, subtle "brown paper" look to you amber bottles.

Kraft Vanilla Extract round labels

Vintage Vanilla Extract round labels

Our Vintage Vanilla Extract round labels highlight how your amber bottles resemble those found in a classic apothecary.

Vintage Vanilla Extract round labels

Did you know you can easily and inexpensively make your own vanilla extract? And it's delicious!!! Nothing beats the taste of REAL vanilla extract. So ditch the imitation stuff and avoid the high price of grocery store brands. Make your own vanilla extract for easy holiday gifts. Read our blog post to get this simple DIY Vanilla Extract Recipe Tutorial.

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